
Key Features of Timberstore’s Featheredge Timber

Feather edge fence boards are a great choice for your fencing needs. They offer both functionality and aesthetics, which makes them a popular choice among DIY enthusiasts and professionals. Our wooden boards have many benefits:

  • Various Sizes: Our feather edge timber collection includes boards in a range of widths and lengths. This variety allows you to customise your fence to suit your specific requirements and design preferences.
  • Premium Quality: We are committed to providing you with the best possible timber. Our feather edge fence boards are made from top-quality materials to ensure that they last a long time and can withstand all kinds of weather conditions. They are available in pressure-treated green and brown timber, providing exceptional protection against timber rot. We have a treatment facility on site so all of the green timber treatment is done by us and brown timber we source in.
  • Versatile Applications: Feather edge boards can be used for more than just fencing. They are also suitable for cladding, screening, and other outdoor design applications. Don’t be afraid to get creative and explore different possibilities for your outdoor space.
  • Low Maintenance: Our feather edge timber requires minimal maintenance to retain its beauty and functionality. A periodic coat of wood preservative will help protect it from the elements, ensuring its longevity and appearance.

Why Choose Timberstore?

We understand that your outdoor projects deserve the best materials. When you choose Timberstore, you benefit from:

  • Quality Assurance: Our feather edge fence boards are built to last, ensuring that your fence remains strong and visually appealing for many years.
  • Expert Guidance: With our extensive experience in the timber industry, we’re here to help you make informed decisions and provide expert advice on your fencing projects.
  • Convenient Shopping: Timberstore offers the convenience of online shopping, allowing you to easily browse, select, and purchase feather edge timber from the comfort of your home. For those who prefer in-person shopping, visit our stores in Beaconsfield and Crawley.

Enhance the look and functionality of your outdoor space with Timberstore’s featheredge Timber. Browse our selection today and start creating the perfect fence or outdoor project.